General Questions
How Do I Make A Clubhouse Reservation?
Clubhouse reservations are arranged through a resident volunteer, Anne Janke, who can be reached by email at The NorthPark clubhouse is available for use only by members of the NorthPark Homeowners Association. Reservations are on a first come first served basis. NorthPark residents must be present during the function for which they have made a reservation.
A damage deposit of $500.00 and a cleaning deposit of $100.00 is charged. The rental fee is $100.00 per day for all types of events.
The clubhouse maximum capacity is 50 persons. You may obtain further information about the clubhouse by clicking here.
How Do I Gain Access a Tennis or Pickleball Court and What are the Rules for Use?
The three tennis courts and four pickelball courts are the private property of the NorthPark Homeowners Association and are available for the exclusive use of NorthPark residents. Court hours are typically from dawn (7 am) to dusk. Use your pool key to access the courts.The courts are available on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved. If you share your key with anyone beside your immediate family, your rights to the courts will be revoked in violation of the governing documents.
Information about lessons is shared in the spring NorthPark newlsetter and posted on the NorthPark Facebook Page if available.
Please remember to wear only tennis shoes on the courts to protect the surface. The courts are to be used exclusively for tennis and pickleball. Skate-boarding, roller-blading and other forms of athletic activities are prohibited on the courts. No shovels are allowed on the courts.
How Do I Get My Pool ID Card and Key?
Photo ID cards are required to use the pool. There is a $5.00 fee charged per new card. Renewal stickers are issued each year to residents at no additional charge. Members who are delinquent in their assessments will not be allowed to use the pool until their assessment status is current. You must be a member in good standing of the NorthPark Homeowners Association in order to have pool privileges.
One pool key is provided to each household in your welcome packet. There is a $15.00 charge to replace lost pool keys. Residents are encouraged to attached a key ring with their pool key to their pool ID cards to reduce loss of keys.
Application forms for pool ID cards and renewal stickers are included in the NorthPark Neighbor newsletter in the spring each year. You may also obtain an application form and the pool rules on-line by clicking here.
What Are The Hours For Pool Use?
The NorthPark pool is normally staffed with lifeguard coverage between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. until mid-August. Then, lifeguards are only available from 3 p.m.-8 p.m. during weekdays. Residents are permitted to use the pool between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. During hours when a lifeguard is not on duty, children under age 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Lifeguards are required to lock the pool building and lock down pool furniture to prevent vandalism when they go off duty at 8:00 p.m. Please be courteous if they ask you to vacate your chair so that it can be locked up.
Persons found in the pool or around the clubhouse after 9:00 PM will be cited for trespassing.
Are Swimming Lessons Available?
Swimming lessons are available through the lifeguard staff. The lifeguard staff are employees of the pool management company hired by the NorthPark Homeowners Association to manage the pool facilities. Swimming lessons are an additional cost item and all arrangements for swimming lessons are a private contract and understanding between interested homeowners of NorthPark and the pool management company. The swimming lesson schedule is available from the lifeguards at the pool.
What Is The NorthPark Marlins Swim Team?
The NorthPark Marlins is a great swim team program open to all NorthPark residents between the ages of 5 and 18. There is a registration fee which is used to cover coaching and other team expenses. The NorthPark Marlins swim team is organized, supervised and run by a group of resident parents. The team is not run by the NorthPark Homeowners Association. Information about the swim team is generally published in a spring issue of the NorthPark Neighbor newsletter and posted on Facebook. Please check the latest newsletter for contact information about the swim team.