Homeowner's Association Questions
Who Is The Management Company for NorthPark Homeowners Association?
MSI, LLC. is the management company for the Association. They prepare the monthly financial statements, collect semi-annual assessments, and prepare account status letters for title companies. Additional duties include conducting regular neighborhood inspections for covenant infractions, assisting the Board with meeting preparation, preparing meeting minutes, maintaining Association books and records, bidding contracts for the Board's consideration, and providing oversight of contractor performance, to name just a few of their activities.
Rachel Bozeman
11002 Benton St.
Westminster, CO 80020
(720) 974-4129 - office
(303) 420-6611 - fax
When Are My Assessments Due?
Monthly assessments ($120.00/month) are due on the first (1st) day of each month. If payment is not received by the 15th of the month, a late fee of $10.00 will be assessed to your account. A set of 12 assessment mailing labels are mailed to each resident in December of each year to be used for the following year.
Can I Install A Satellite Dish Or Cable TV?
Yes, you may install a satellite dish and/or cable TV per the provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, as amended. Simply stated, homeowners are allowed to install a "dish" antenna that is one meter (39") or less in diameter and is designed to receive direct broadcast satellite service, including direct-to-home satellite service. Any satellite dishes and antennas over one meter (39") are not covered by the Act and are therefore still prohibited in NorthPark. The Act and Guidelines permit some regulation by the Association, such as the means, method and location of the dish or antenna installation, as long as no "unreasonable" delay or cost is involved. The Association can still require compliance with building codes, unobtrusive placement, painting, camouflage and other reasonable measures to ensure the safety of the installation and minimize the visual effect on the community. Residents are requested to be sensitive to their neighbors and work with the installers to choose an aesthetically pleasing location so that property values are not adversely affected. Homeowners are asked to hide coaxial cable behind brick, wood trim, gutters, downspouts, landscaping, etc. so that the least amount of cable is visible to neighbors and drive-by traffic. You do not have to submit an application to the ACC in order to install a satellite "dish" antenna that is one meter (39") or less in diameter.
What Can The Association Do To Help Me Control Solicitations In My Neighborhood?
NorthPark is constantly targeted by door-to-door solicitors. There are laws about criminal trespass and harassment that allow private homeowners to file complaints against individuals and the companies they represent. If you are having a problem with the solicitor or door-to-door sales person, please call the City of Westminster Police Department (303-658-2400). The best advise from the Police Department is to avoid the solicitor by refusing to open your door to a person you do not know or recognize and always call the police if you see any suspicious behavior. Police also recommend that individuals post a "No Soliciting" sign by their front door.
How Often Is The NorthPark Neighbor Newsletter Published?
The newsletter is published quarterly, although from time-to-time, the Board may direct the management company to publish the newsletter more frequently. Check with the management company for submission deadline for articles and advertising. The NorthPark Neighbor accepts paid advertising and classified ads. NorthPark residents may place business card sized ads (non-business) free of charge. Business advertising rates are as follows:
$7.50 Business card, Resident Rate
$25.00 1/4-page, Resident Rate
$20.00 Business card, Non-resident Rate
$60.00 1/4-page, Non-resident Rate
Who Do I Contact For A Neighborhood Pet Problem?
NorthPark continually receives complaints about pets running loose or pets making excessive noise. If a pet is causing a persistent problem, you may contact the City of Westminster Animal Control (303-658-2400).
Can I Reserve The Association Greenbelts?
The use of the greenbelt and park areas is on a first-come, first-served basis. No reservations are made and no permits are issued.